Urban Splash, the groundbreaking developer behind Park Hill’s current rolling redevelopment program, are bringing their “It Will Never Work” Exhibition to Sheffield on Wednesday 21 November*. The Exhibition, which has toured other cities in the UK, takes its name from the early days of Urban Splash when the company’s 2 founders were told their ideas to transform disused and unloved buildings would never work.
Convinced in the late 1980s that it would work in Manchester (where it all started), it was felt that something could be done to awaken the city. Back then, Manchester shut down at 6pm every night. Urban Splash were keen to see disused, haunting old buildings – which stood largely derelict and unloved (in spite of their obvious appeal) – transformed.
Over the past 25 years, their transformative plans have been put into action – in Manchester – and further afield as we have witnessed here in Sheffield at Park Hill. The Exhibition looks at the work that’s been done. Sheffield can be proud that we have been “part of the action”!
We are delighted to be exclusively marketing the commercial property at Park Hill Phase 2 which is shortly coming to market. Interested (who wouldn’t be?)? See our website for further details:
*(If you can’t wait for the Exhibition to come to Sheffield, it has been running since Monday 5th November at the Manchester Metropolitan University’s School of Art – and will last for 2 weeks).