Our very own Tim Bottrill has been in The Star, quoted as saying “Office life will be back because people need it”. Whilst people will still work from home, if you value your staff, encouraging a healthy work/life balance is critical to ensure they continue to benefit from human interaction. Being at the office for at least some of the working week is part of an holistic approach in terms of wider employee welfare. People like to feel a sense of belonging and employers need to ensure they do their bit to combat loneliness.
The office environment ensures that employees are motivated, have a sense of belonging (ie corporate culture, but in a good way) and are allowed to be creative – able to bounce ideas off each other. For more junior staff, there is also the ability to “watch and learn” and to receive hands-on training.
We are proud to have been involved with Wizu who have taken space at 32 Eyre Street, providing a serviced office facility. The article states that they have not seen an exodus of tenants during the Covid epidemic. Quite the opposite! Wizu offers short tenancies, typically 12 months, compared to the traditional five or 10 years. It also encourages tenants to mingle and collaborate.
Limited space remains available at 32 Eyre Street, for more information, see our website: https://colloco.co/find-a-property/properties/946-32-eyre-street-sheffield