As chair of The Sheffield Chamber Property Forum, our very own Tim Bottrill hosted this significant property event and Alexis Krachai, Chief Executive of Counter Context, kindly chaired it. A panel comprising some of the most active and influential people in the property industry took part. Discussions centred around the aspirations of the property community in Sheffield and how they can be achieved (ie as Alexis put it “moving it from an 8 hour to an 18 hour city” by creating a residential core not merely for students). Interesting soundbites included that:
- “Sheffield has some of the best public realm in the UK. In fact, some of the best public realm in Europe that is already the benchmark for HoTC2” … “It needs to suit the people you want to stay in the city”, Paul Sargent, Queensbury
- “More housing in the city centre”… “A more defined CBD”… “Grassroots innovation”, Mark Jackson, Scarborough
- First impressions of Sheffield are that “It’s an inventive city. It’s a creative city. It’s got its own swagger”, Tim Heatley, Capital&Centric
- “We are really proud of Sheffield raising its game”, Jonathan Brookes, British Land.
It’s fantastic that The Sheffield Chamber Property Forum and the city itself can attract such a line up of speakers, and indeed over 120 people attended to hear their views.